The Promise of the Holy Spirit

 For the same number of as are of crafted by the law are under the revile; for it is expressed, "Reviled is each and every individual who doesn't proceed in everything which is written in the book of the law, to do them." But that nobody is advocated by the law in seeing God is apparent, for "the fair will live by confidence." Yet the law isn't of confidence, yet "the man who does them will live by them. Galatians 3:10-12 Recollect THE TWO TREES IN THE GARDEN ONE WAS CALLED THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE OTHER WAS CALLED THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. THEY WERE SYMBOLIC THE TREE OF LIFE WAS ALL ABOUT THE LIFE OF GOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST THE OTHER TREE WAS A SYMBOLIC OF THE LAW OF MOSES. Since THE LAW IS ABOUT DOING GOOD NOT EVIL. WE ARE FACED WITH CHOOSING BETWEEN THE TWO TREES EVERY TIME WE OPEN THE WORD OF GOD. WE WILL EITHER SEE OUR PERFORMANCE OR WE WILL SEE LIFE, FREELY GIVEN THROUGH CHRIST JESUS.

 Christ has reclaimed us from the scourge of the law, having become a revile for us for it is expressed, "Reviled is each and every individual who holds tight a tree", that the gift of Abraham may happen upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we may get the guarantee of the Spirit through confidence. Lady 3:13-14 THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT IS THE KEY TO THE KINGDOM AND THE LIFE OF GOD. GOD GIVES US THE SPIRIT SO THAT WE CAN LIVE BY THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT NOT THE LAW OF MOSES. ONE BIG MISTAKE Probably the greatest misstep IN THE DISCUSSION OF THE LAW - VS-GRACE IS THAT GRACE DOES NOT MAKE ANY DEMANDS. Also, THAT IS AN INCORRECT STATEMENT. THE LAW MAKES DEMANDS THAT NOBODY CAN KEEP EXCEPT JESUS Beauty MAKES DEMANDS THROUGH THE SPIRIT AND THEN EMPOWERS US TO PERFORM THE COMMAND. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE THE LAW FORBIDS MURDER Beauty FORBIDS HATRED At that point BY GRACE, HE PUTS THE SPIRIT OF LOVE IN US WHICH GIVES US THE POWER TO EVEN LOVE OR ENEMIES. HE EVEN COMMANDS US TO HEAL THE SICK. Be that as it may, WE HAVE NO POWER TO HEAL ANYONE. In any case, WHEN WE YIELD TO THE COMMAND IT CONNECTS US TO THE GRACE THAT RELEASES THE POWER. Also, I will implore the Father, and He will give yo
u another Helper, that He may stay with you always the Spirit of truth, whom the world can't get, on the grounds that it neither sees Him nor knows Him; however, you know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17 Partner IN THE GREEK IS "parakletos" WHICH IS TRANSLATED COUNSELOR, HELPER, INTERCESSOR, STRENGTHENER, AND STANDBY. However, IT'S NOT A GREEK WORD IT'S A COMPOUND ARAMAIC WORD IRAQ... TO FINISH OR TO SAVE LYTA... THE CURSE IN OTHER WORDS, HE ACTUALLY SENT THE HOLY SPIRIT TO CONSTANTLY SAVE OR DELIVER US FROM THE CURSE OUR PROBLEM IS THAT WE DON'T STAY CONNECTED It is possible that WE DON'T PRAY OR WE PRAY WITH THE WRONG MOTIVE Along these lines dismiss all lack of sanitization and flood of evil, and get with submission the embedded word, which can spare your spirits. James 1:21

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