Monday 8 February 2021


Memory Verse: Matthew. 10:25 "It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master and the servant as his lord"

Bible Reading: Acts 11: 25-26, Matt. 10:24-25.

Central True: A disciple is a resemblance of someone in character, conduct and behaviour-Be an imitator of Christ.

INTRODUCTION: A disciple could be seen as a person or someone who believe in, and follows the teachings of another. He could be a religions leader or political leader. those who followed Jesus Christ and his teaching when he was living on earth, especially the twelve (Apostles) were known as disciples. 


Discipleship is the making of a disciple. it is based on Jesus' call and involved exclusive loyalty to Him (Mark 8:34). in a Church set-up, Christians are known as disciples or followers of Jesus Christ. Acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour is the first qualification, follows by the necessary training (discipleship) that builds one's faith through the word and, having an open heart to learn and put into practice all that has been learnt.

Act 11:26 " And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."


Called to Discipleship: A disciple is called to follow the faith of his leader in the following ways:

1. A disciple is called to follow God with reserve - Eph.5:1 Matt 4:18-19.

2. A disciple is called to grow in faith and prayer daily Mark 11:20-24, Col.4:2.

3.  A disciple is called to holiness, grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ 1 Peter 1:14-16; 2Peter         3:18

4.  A disciple is called to rejoice when face with persecution for his master's sake Matt. 5:11-12.

5.  A disciple is called to love and always keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace Eph.4:1-3

6.  A disciple is called to service and commitment-Rom.12:1-2; Eph. 6:5-7

7.  A disciple is called to obey and follow after the faith of his/her pastor Eph 6:1; Heb 13:17.

8. A disciple is called to be a giver (God first gave - Jesus), Luke. 6:30, 38.

9.  A disciple is called to be an example to the world of both believers and unbelievers 1Tim. 4:12.

10.  A disciple is called to be perfect like his master - Matt. 5:48;

CONCLUSION:  A disciple is one who belief in Christain faith and follows accordingly. He is one whose heart is open to learning more about the faith you have received (Act 17:11). Having known who a disciple is or ought to be; examine yourself, are you one? if you are not you can be one today. Just accept, believe and follow.

Question for Discussion

1. Explain in your own word, who is a disciple?

2. What could you consider as the qualification of being a disciple?

3. Mention five attitude or call to discipleship.

4. A disciple should imitate both the good and bad of his master. Yes or No. Give reason(s) for  your         answer

Prayer: My father and my God; release in me the attitude of a disciple and help me to be committed and faithful to your word, through Jesus our Lord, Amen.


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Memory Verse: Matthew. 10:25 " It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master  and  the servant as his lord " Bible Readi...